What is the mind?

sonia singla
9 min readMar 16, 2024


Self-control is about managing oneself, as the term implies. Imagine going to a party and having a slice of cake. Later, you feel the urge to have more. However, indulging further means consuming more sugar, which may not sit well with your stomach. While your taste buds may enjoy it, your stomach may not. Overeating can lead to discomfort and even digestive issues like diarrhoea. Therefore, it’s crucial to exert control over your desires, rather than allowing them to control you.

But how does one control their desires, particularly when it comes to something as immediate and tempting as food? It requires practice, patience, and focus. Ask yourself why you feel the need to indulge further when you’ve already eaten. Why risk upsetting your stomach and potentially needing medication? Excess of anything, whether it’s food or water, is harmful. Just as you can’t stay submerged in water for 24 hours or drink an excessive amount, moderation is key.

Let’s listen to one story of a child and Gautam Buddha. One day, a small boy with his mother went to fetch water near the pond. Suddenly, his eyes caught a saint, and he knew he was Buddha. He at once went to him and greeted and asked how one can be successful in life. Gautama Buddha replied by focusing on the goal and then he went away.
The next day child again went near the pond and saw all of the lotus flowers glowing. He took and decided at once to meet Buddha again and asked his question of how to focus.
He started his journey but stopped as he had to cross the jungle now. He was undecided as the jungle was big and losing the path could take either more days or getting killed by big animals. He was thinking only when he saw a horseman coming towards the same route. He at once decided to ask for help. The old horseman replied him he could deliver the basket of lotus if he wanted. The young child after a lot of thinking as was to give it stopped for a while and asked himself why I was giving the basket, and what was my purpose for it. How I will get an answer to my question?
So he requested him to just tell the path. Now he was going fast and sometimes again got lost in thoughts. Now it was evening and soon it was going to be dark. He stopped for a while but again started the journey.

It was dark now, he met old person whom he asked if he has seen any saints or followers. The old man said he was no one and he must have lost his path. The boy started crying, suddenly he remembered his mother saying sometimes mistake happens for good.

He went back and saw nearby river. He thought Gautam Buddha met him near the pond for first time and he must have also followers along who will need the water on the way to drink. He started going along with the river and no late enough he saw some of his followers and finally he was near Buddha. He greeted him happily and give him the basket. Buddha replied he will sure give him his answer. He already have his answer with him. He focussed, face the hurdles, didn’t give up, was patience, excepted his mistakes and so he was near him same is for our life goal.

Consider the story of a child who sought guidance from Gautama Buddha on how to achieve success in life. Buddha advised him to focus on his goals. The child then embarked on a journey, encountering various challenges along the way. Despite moments of doubt and confusion, he persevered, eventually reaching his destination. Buddha commended his determination, highlighting the importance of focus, resilience, and learning from mistakes in achieving success.

Our thoughts influence our actions and ultimately shape our lives. Negative thoughts can hinder progress, while positive ones can lead to success. It’s essential to combat negative thinking that impedes our journey towards our goals. Those who cultivate positive thoughts are more likely to succeed, while those consumed by negativity may struggle.

To vanquish the Ravana within ourselves and allow the Rama within us to triumph signifies the victory of goodness over evil. It entails augmenting our positive energy to overcome the negative forces within.

Education is not just about acquiring knowledge but also instilling moral values. Without proper values, education can lead to societal issues such as depression, divorce, and mental health problems. Therefore, it’s imperative to prioritize moral education alongside academic learning.

Now we will listen to another story of life.

One man was crying lot louder saying to himself all have cheated me. One saint was watching and was silent. After a while the man went to him and said Iam crying for long time and you are strange saint not even helps me. He said I remained silent as you have to control. If you feel cheated, why you allow others to cheat you.

Why you show your weakness or attracts fake people. If you know that man cant return back your money why you give it. Give that only that gives peace to you. If giving something disturbs you that you should never.

The amount should be that which don’t takes your own peace of mind.

Another story illustrates the consequences of actions taken without careful consideration. A man laments being cheated by others, yet a saint observes silently. When the man approaches him for help, the saint emphasizes the importance of self-reflection. Why allow oneself to be cheated? Why associate with negative influences? By prioritizing inner peace and making decisions that align with one’s values, one can avoid unnecessary suffering.

In essence, life is a journey of learning and growth. By practicing self-control, mindfulness, and positive thinking, we can navigate its challenges and achieve personal fulfillment. It’s about recognizing our desires, questioning them, and making conscious choices that lead us closer to our goals.

Our thoughts keep changing, never remains the same. So what we think becomes our actions and karma. We make ourselves or destroy ourselves with our negative thoughts. So, we have to fight with negative thoughts which stops us from moving forward to our goals. Those who are able to do becomes successful and others get fails.

How our life should be, what our goals should be in life depends on our thoughts.

The 18 years of our is like chapters of Bhagwat Geeta. Each chapter makes us learn and move forward in life.

Education without good values cannot makes you human. We are like animals without good values.

If I goes to engineering studies, I will get Engineer degree. If I go for medical, I will become doctor or scientist. But if I go for spiritual knowledge, I will get spiritual degree only. Then if we blame for cult knowledge or complaint. We should ask question to ourselves why I went and what I will get back?

If I have knowledge of good values from beginning I don’t need any lectures after 20 years of my age. Our Education is now just for earning for making money. Our Education lacks moral values because of that we are going in depression, going for suicides, divorce and many mental health problems like Schizophrenia.

Mind should be calm, peaceful within so that when negative energy of another person surround’s you it has no effect on you, but that person also will get positive vibrations.

Live your life at the fullest like a Sun who always shine and then goes to sleep with another morning.

Water don’t says worship me, it just want keep me clean, be grateful and takes that amount that you need, don’t waste it.

Plants says the same and so our trees, environment, Sun.

Take that amount that is sufficient and then leave for others.

Mind is the most intelligent part. Control it and everything will be in your hand, lose the control you will be destroyed in a few seconds.

Schizophrenia is split of mind. Various voices are nothing but our mind thinking. If I hate someone, I should know hate is for his bad values of greediness, barking, and other factors. When we have many or many saying they always mess, and different thoughts will block our brain working. We will be left confused. Confused mind never can do their work properly.

As time progresses, our memories store the events of each passing day. While we may forget certain details, we tend to retain the significant moments, whether they were positive or negative, while other aspects fade away. Similarly, when we engage with individuals, we encounter varying energies — some positive, some neutral, and some negative. Exposure to negative words or vibes can generate a negative energy field around us. If our reservoir of positive energy is abundant, it acts as a shield against the impact of negative energy, allowing us to remain composed. However, if our positive energy is lacking, we become vulnerable to the influence of negativity. This dynamic resembles how viruses assail our bodies, where a robust immune system protects us from harm, but a weakened one leaves us susceptible to illness.

Have one focus, one goal at one time. Too many cooks split the broth. They will mess up everything in other words.

Practice meditation, which is nothing but a control on your breathing, thinking. We positive and positive energy will attracts. Negative thinkers will get away like a broken leaf in the wind.

Experience the journey of your life, enjoy it as it goes. Enjoy like no one watching you and be yourself not the copy pastes of others.

We know Sandhya, mother of Shani deva was the part of Shaya itself. So, if we give tongue to control us, we will go on eating and end up in obesity, diabetes and so many diseases attached to it.

We should control our tongue as it’s the most dangerous weapon too and should try to speak only when required.

One day someone went to the saint and said on Saint, oh holy God, me and my wife always have arguments kindly help me.

Saint thought at once and thanks God he is not married so he has no such problem. He at once started laughing. Suddenly another person came running. He said, oh Saint my children don’t listen to me and has thrown me out. Saint again Thanks God he is not married so he has no such problem. He again laughs loudly. He was to say only another person came to the saint. Oh my God Iam cheated. Someone took my earnings. Saint again Thanks God he is not earning so no problem.

He now laughed more loudly. He said your root cause of all is action done without Thinking. You didn’t give values to your children at young age so now when small plant has grown up you want they listen to you. You never give a thought to know what type of person you want to marry, whether your views matches or not so you are suffering of blindly marrying. The person who took your money you never given thought to be with positive people around you. If you could have given focus your money was save.

There are three types of Saints. One is fake, others will make you like them and third one will guide you.

It depends on you what you want and why?

They left the attachment which is main source of sorrows. We will get from them what they have. If they left the family life, one will not be giving you teaching on making family. Engineer will teach engineering subject and so the others.

If I go and ask which skills will give me job. If you have skills, you can make your own company or do job. If you don’t have skills, you can't land on job. Same applies for values. My God if has values so I don’t need to change my dharma and religion is way of worship. Then why you are going for conversion for few moneys. Dharma and religion are two different words.

Life teaches us lesson at every step. We learn from everyone.

This article is not to make fun of anyone or will give you something like fulfilment of wishes. Fulfilments of wishes is just like focusing on your goal with good desires. Negative energy can never win over positive energy.

It can get delayed but can never win. Shri Rama values when collided with Shri Hanuman ji, he followed Shri Rama values, so he was able to save the king.

As positive energy with positive energy can only be friends to each other not enemies.

