
sonia singla
3 min readOct 2, 2022


It is a present-day story, where few members live in the society. By few members I mean many don't joined as members. All were leaving well 😊with family and discussing on recent news 🤔. Time went on ⌚. Suddenly gutter water filled up the small pit. As the time went on smaller pit became in no time big making it smelly🤧. It was now difficult for society people to cross the roads, and they started calling the municipal office to make sure the water gets drained. But no one came and it became daily increasing with rainwater making it more difficult. 😣

Fear of getting ill, all people of the society was disappointed and complaining. Time went out, but no one came. One clever and intelligent person 🧑 (lets name it Aggarwal😊 for the time being), used to live in the same society. He called for meeting of the members and suggested lets these time we do fund collection to solve problem for our society on the name of Goddess, as no one will pay otherwise.

They collected the funds and then hired private company to solve the issue. After the roads were dried, that clever person suggested its yet not over. We should spare Sunday to do something for our society.

Except old, weak and small children we should all gathered and do our work. He purchased some plants from the left funds and made everyone to sow the flower and tree plants outside the house and suggested no one will pick the flower from outside the house which is govt. land and it's our duties to daily give water and take care of it. Within few months the fruits of hard work enabled the flowers🌺 on plants🌾 and fruits 🍒on tree.

Later all started becoming the member of the society. They all spare Sunday few hrs and started gathering together, they made the doghouse and shelters for local dogs and for cows who were left near the roads near there society. All were happy now🙂.

Now that wise man was popular and respectable in society, they then were discussing do really the temple donations have tax on that. Wise man told let's create separate bank like we do for our children and make it personal, whatever donation we have to do we will keep separate and deposit in account. When the time comes and is required money we will take from the bank. All started discussing and I hope you will to discuss this issue to solve with them.

This was not only the problem people who cross from that society they started to praise and wants to stay there too. Wise man thought it's difficult to have them here, so they made a big post for them to don't go anywhere just do like we did and make a change.

Wait. wait yet the story is not finished what about municipal department, in next elections they were kicked out as all of them have become wise enough now like that person.

Within few minutes, large sound came, and that person just wake up suddenly and in front his wife was shouting Mongarilal wake up till when you will sleep. Mongarilal wake up rubbing his eyes and making face like from heaven he again went to hell.

He came out of his house, and seeing small pit of gutter water, he smiled to himself and went to the market to buy Milk.

Now wait yet it's not end, we all face such problems daily, discuss and try to solve, instead of making our hateness, problem big like the small pit filled with gutter.

Now you can discuss and hopes Mungarilal was able to teach all of you.

