Mind control Part Two

sonia singla
4 min readApr 27, 2024


What happens when we are disturbed, or we say someone is in mental condition state. We are disturbed with negative energy in the environment surrounding us and as a person is harassed again and again by words or physically causes a mental disabled position.

Now the question arises, how we can without or with medicines protect, help him or ourselves and cure the person alongside other.

Let's explain the conditions of the person having a fear in mind. Something must be going in his or her mind.

Outer environment should be peaceful to enable not entry of anything inside. For example, if he happens to have vomited it's because something was not removed, or we have eaten something wrong.

Meaning something enter from outside environment to inside similarly mentally or physically abuse is from something outside that enters the mind of the person making it disable.

So first we have to make the person have peaceful environment so that nothing negative one take anymore inside the brain. Second now we have to remove something inside our mind as it has to be thrown out like vomiting.

So, we have to try two methods first by writing or by recording our own voice to enable it to be out. If it is not out it will just harm us.

One can listen to smooth music like of bird, rivers or something peaceful to enable inner self peaceful and thus recovery of our own mind.

We know unconditioned stimulus results in unconditional response and leads to salivation in dog.

CS and US

Continuous saying results or effects our brain, means something repeated many times whether its positive energy or negative energy it harms brain that has to be balanced.

Extinction stimulus is when there is no such happening moment or there is no conditional response. if we take the mind no shit is going inside the mind every day then it will disappear itself.

Even if it has disappeared, it can come back with the same abusive or same physical torture. So, to remove it we need secondary extinction period.

It also means If you see a blood and get dizziness, so means its unconditional stimulus, as whenever you see a blood your body will automatically react.

The unconditional stimulus (US) is a term from classical conditioning that refers to a stimulus that naturally triggers a response without prior learning. In the case of seeing blood and feeling dizzy, the sight of blood would be the unconditional stimulus, and the dizziness would be the unconditioned response (UR) because it occurs automatically in response to the stimulus without any prior conditioning.

Mental illness can certainly influence how individuals perceive, interpret, and respond to stimuli, including both conditional (CS) and unconditional stimuli (US).

Instead of blaming just learn that God has given each of us brain to understand, interpret right or wrong, take decisions of our own.

Suppose you are sitting along with your friend, and someone is talking shit about another person, you should at once leave the place or say to your friend you are not interested in listening any talk on others.

If you stay, your friend will be sharing his dustbin rubbish with you and once it enters your brain you will be filled with negative energy, but you need positive energy, A stable mind and it can happen only when you hang with right person not wrong person.

Ravan or evil gets awaken in our mind and it will make you feel he or she is reason for anything wrong happens to you and you will be filled with negative energy and tries to harm that person.

We have to make Rama within us awaken that is good values and positive energy to make Rama wins over the Ravan.

It's not easy but make sure we do meditation at least 10–15 mins daily, go out for a walk, talk less.

Can put a paper tape on the mouth to enable to keep quiet and talks only when required.

Another concept when we make someone responsible for the cause. We just blame that person many times. He or she said or harmed before in the past and negative energy enters your mind, so you feel the person is responsible for everything whenever bad happens to you, but it may not be true. It is just a stimulus that one has said or harmed in the past and so he or she is doing still the same.

Black magic people do which is spiritual knowledge and we will talk later about it in next part.

